Reading the news this morning I happened upon a headline that read, "Japanese men battle epic loneliness by fostering intense relationships, and romance, with stuffed pillows representing teenage girls." Apparently these men (and some women) have all consuming relationships with "figurines fashioned after popular anime characters."
Gee, makes you wonder why Japanese men are battling "epic loneliness," doesn't it? Me, I don't wonder at all.
This lead me to another story which I found myself laughing out loud while reading. Good thing the boss man was off at a meeting; he would have thought I'd lost my marbles.
"A 22-year-old Central Kitsap man who was allegedly 'begging for a fight,' Tuesday night got one — and a trip to the Kitsap County jail.
'Rocks began to rain down,' on five people gathered behind the TJ Maxx Store on Silverdale Way sometime around 7:40 p.m., according to Kitsap County Sheriff’s reports.
The 22-year-old man emerged as the thrower and told the group, who ranged in age from 15 to 50, that he was preparing for the Ultimate Fighting Championship and 'he needed to practice getting knocked out so he could prepare,' deputies wrote.
Though the group asked the man to leave, he allegedly 'sucker punched,' a 21-year-old and a fight broke out. The 22-year-old eventually pulled a pocket knife, deputies wrote, and swung it at the 21-year-old before he lost control of the weapon.
The 22-year-old told a deputy investigating the incident that he’d never been in a fight before.
Then a 15-year-old boy who had been among the group getting pelted by rocks walked up. The 22-year 'immediately began approaching,' the boy 'in an aggressive manner.' The deputy intervened and began to wrestle with the 22-year-old, eventually taking him to the ground before other deputies arrived.
The man was booked into the Kitsap County jail on suspicion of second-degree assault and resisting arrest. Deputies found a knife in one of his pockets. Bail was set at $160,000. Kitsap Sun 12 Aug. 2009
I admit in my youth, I did some pretty stooopid things, but nothing quite that moronic.
Admittedly the people on the receiving end of this man's stupidity probably didn't find it quite as funny as I do. I bet they will one day. I hope so anyway.
Kinda wonder what will become of Future Ultimate Championship Fighting Dude...